Like most retreat centres, we rely on the generosity and care of many people. This gift of care and support is vital for sustainability and comes in the form of tangible donations, financial gifts, and time, skills and knowledge.

This group of people demonstrate a commitment to the Retreat Centre by making a:

  • regular, ongoing financial contributions (minimum $20/month)
  • generous one-time donation

Friends enjoy:

  • 20% off cabin accommodation between scheduled retreats (up to 3 days per year)
  • an invitation to the annual Friends gathering
  • reduced pricing for Retreat Centre events

We welcome the enthusiasm and contribution of volunteers. In return we offer an amazing place with a special energy you feel as soon as you enter the driveway.  

If you love gardening, cooking or baking, organizing or helping welcome people, we might be a good fit for you. We will never turn down help making sure our guests are cared for and maintaining our forested 13-acre property.

If you share our commitment to providing a welcoming space for reflection and connection, you may want to talk with us about partnership.

We welcome the involvement of groups or organizations and retreat facilitators in the viability and sustainability of the Centre. This can look many ways, including one-time financial contributions, exchanging volunteer hours for use of the Centre (a good option for groups or an organization), an annual contribution for reduced rental rates (an option for facilitators that could use the Centre multiple times a year), annual financial contributions and/or staff sharing agreements.